
Media Research Center

Associated Press, Media Analyst Call ABC Meteorologist Weather “Pornographer” for Not Hyping Climate Change Enough

Washington Post Capital Weather Gang rushes to defense of Ginger Zee after ridiculous, sexist attack.
Media Research Center

75% of Stories Ignore Law That Might Derail Newtown Gun Suit

Networks overlook 2005 law that limits lawsuits against gun manufacturers.
Media Research Center

Top 10 Lefty and Media Attacks on Business of 2014

From attempts to shut down shopping on Black Friday, to schemes to end the U.S. coal industry, liberals and the media showed their true anti-capitalist colors this year.
Media Research Center

Bloomberg to Hybrid Buyers: ‘Don’t Pull Out A Calculator’

Lower gas prices mean Toyota Prius ‘is for drivers who stink at math.’
Media Research Center

Oil and Gas Prices Drop, But Nets Refuse to Credit Fracking in 93% of Stories

Networks’ evening shows rarely admit contribution of drilling technology to booming U.S. production.
Media Research Center

Earth Science vs. Political Science

Media Research Center

Even HuffPo Admits Obamacare Calorie Regulations May Not Work

Liberal site finds experts who say diners don’t actually ‘eat less’ when calories are posted.  
Media Research Center

AlterNet: Cruz Courts ‘Pro-Israel Extremists,’ But Radical Liberal Donors No Problem

Religious leaders, entrepreneurs and Holocaust survivors portrayed as radicals.
Media Research Center

‘Not True, Not Funny’: Tiger Woods Slams Fake Interview That Makes Him Look Like a ‘Jerk’

Athlete calls Golf Digest’s media ethics and integrity into question.
Media Research Center

Mark Cuban: Net Neutrality Regulations Parallel ‘Ayn Rand Books’

Businessman tweets that Internet is ‘working,’ government shouldn’t interfere.
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