
NBC Slams Exxon's 'Out of Line' Profits

'Nightly News' and 'Today' team up to attack oil earnings, ignore billions of dollars in taxes paid.

BusinessWeek 'Recession Blog' Inactive a Whole Month as GDP Jumps 1.9 Percent

Posts few and far between three months after magazine debuts 'stories of how individuals are coping with the downturn.'

Second Minimum Wage Hike Not 'Enough' for the Media

Journalists from broadcast networks, CNN and AP inflate number of minimum-wage workers and complain wages still aren't high enough.

House Majority Whip: Climate Change Hurts Blacks More

Clyburn says African-Americans 'disproportionately impacted'; study recommends 'fee, tax or allowance auction on polluters.'

CBS Slams Payday Loan 'Traps'

'Evening News' ignores borrower responsibility in hit piece on short-term lenders.

ABC Sensationalizes Qantas Incident

'Good Morning America' reports plane 'instantly plummeted' and passengers had 'no idea what was happening.'

CNN Host: Obama's Anti-Free Trade Position 'Does Not Go Down Well' with Europe

Christiane Amanpour says senator's position is at odds with European officials that want 'globalization.'

Morning Show Fuels Countertop Cancer Fears

'The Early Show' says countertops could be dangerous but does not include representatives from industry.

Stern on XM/Sirius Merger: 'I Will Never Vote For a Democrat Again'

Satellite radio talk show star cites 'gangsterism,' 'communism' for holding up deal.

CNBC's Burnett Gives Schumer Free Pass on IndyMac Bank Run

'Street Signs' host claims senior senator from New York 'wishes he was powerful enough as being able to cause a run on a bank.'
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