
CBS Plays With Numbers to Create Driving Trend

Network exaggerates 'crisis' by highlighting increase of four drivers running out of gas each day.

Media Pave the Way for Next President to 'Cap' U.S. Energy Use

'Cap-and-trade' scheme would raise energy prices, cost jobs and reduce each household income by thousands each year.

'Evening News' Blames GM Cutbacks on Gas Prices, Ignores Union Effect

Report blasts automaker for producing 'gas-guzzling' vehicles but doesn't mention expensive labor agreements.

Boxer: 'Recession' is 'Precisely' the Right Time for Economic Upheaval of Cap-and-Trade

California senator claims expensive legislation needed to avert war caused by global warming.

ABC Highlights 'Glimmers of Light' in Lending Market

'Good Morning America' contributor Mellody Hobson discusses opportunities for smart borrowers - particularly small businesses and students.

'Today': Pawn Shop's Business Indicates 'Bust Economy'

NBC morning show rolls out yet another 'economic indicator' in attempt to paint economy as weak.

Media Condemn Oil Speculators after Announcement of CFTC Investigation

Revelation of probe by regulatory authority credited for causing one-day drop in oil prices, although prices showing rebound.

Bad Economy Causing Spike in Spam Sales, Reports 'Nightly News'

Anchor Brian Williams calls lunch meat product 'a huge economic indicator' although Hormel attributes profit increase to a variety of factors.

ABC Uses Weird Non-Customer Example to Attack Credit Card Companies

'Good Morning America' claims arbitration unfair by featuring rare case from activist group's report.

CNN 'Conservationist' a Liberal Blogger and Carbon Credit Trader

'American Morning' segment on global warming warns 'gathering storm on the horizon' will have a $1.87 trillion price tag by 2100.
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