Climate Change

AP Cites Discredited NOAA Bureaucrat to Push Global Warming Alarmism Report

Science Writer plays up climate threat, including questionable claim of warming-driven Mexican migration to U.S.

ClimateDepot's Morano on Mann Lawsuit: 'This Just Goes to Show You How the Mighty Have Fallen'

Executive editor of climate change website explains why suit against spoof of Penn State climate scientist is without merit.

Newt Still Defends Global Warming Commercial with Pelosi: 'We Need a Green Conservatism'

Gingrich contends he was seeking common ground with liberals on climate change issue, but says current legislation is 'just pure socialist.'

The Economist Ditches Reality and Advocates Climate Change -- No Matter What Numbers Say

Magazine tosses aside facts and calls for action against global warming.

Gore Attaches Global Warming as Cause to Last Weekend's Storm in Northeast

Former vice president points toward weather events as evidence of climate change during 'strategy conference call' for supporters.

Anti-Global Warming/Green Industry Lobby Sponsors Carbon-Belching Racecar

International Green Energy Council announces partnership with NASCAR Nationwide Series Team to promote green policies.

AccuWeather's Bastardi Warns New Federal Climate Service Effort to 'Shut Down' Debate

Meteorologist calls new bureaucracy under the Commerce Dept. an 'indirect way' to regulate what people are thinking.

Rolling Stone Attacks 'Climate Killers' 'Derailing Efforts to Curb Global Warming'

Magazine attacks Warren Buffett, Rupert Murdoch and 15 other 'polluters and deniers.'
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