
Linda Greenhouse Celebrates the Shifting Constitution, Denigrates Free-Speech Decision on Campaign Finance

Linda Greenhouse, the Times' former Supreme Court reporter and confessed liberal, describes the Constitution as a document that moves with the Times: "...the Constitution is a participant in a ...

Why So Cynical? Steinhauer Nitpicks Reading of Country's Founding Document

Reporter Jennifer Steinhauer seems a little crabby about Republicans reading the Constitution on the House floor: "If you are a member of the House and you plan to read the text of the ...

Three-Fifths Of A Newspaper

While sniffing over the "theatrical production of unusual pomposity" put on by the incoming Republican Congress for daring to require "that every bill cite its basis in the Constitution," Times ...

Santelli Defends Tea Party Candidates against Elite Inside-the-Beltway Wisdom

CNBC's reporter and Tea Party 'father' explains to 'Meet the Press' panel why candidates like Christine O'Donnell are good for political discourse.

Timothy Egan Calls Tea Party a 'Constitutional Wrecking Crew'

That's before the former reporter lights into the Republican Party and then the majority of Americans who support the new Arizona immigration law: "Poll-testing the Bill of Rights in a troubled ...

Levin Declares 'No Constitutional Authority' for Expanded Obama Administration Takeover Powers

Conservative talk show host explains how recent efforts to regulate in the wake of federal bailouts equate to a 'statist' agenda.

DC Flouts Supreme Court on Guns, as Washington Post Advised

Progressive values trump Constitutional rights in certain journalistic circles.

John McCain: Disqualified at Birth?

Just the latest flaky, negative story on McCain since he apparently clinched the GOP nomination.

Fear Factor: A Times Critic on Judge Richard Posner's "Chilling Book"

Two law professor/bloggers are not impressed with Kakutani's "arguments" against libertarian Judge Posner's provacative take on liberty in an age of terrorism.
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