
Media Research Center

Spinning Bad Jobs Numbers

Media Research Center

Math Is Hard: People Flee Workforce, But ‘Morning Joe’ Sees ‘Good News’

Crowd in background of MSNBC morning show cheers loudly for 96,000 jobs, lowest labor force participation since Sept. 1981.
Media Research Center

Some Pig

Media Research Center

During Democratic Convention, Two of Three Networks Ignore Dire Jobs Picture

For three nights, ABC and NBC fail to mention the national unemployment rate or the ‘nearly 13 million’ people looking for work.
Media Research Center

Obama Recovery?

Media Research Center

Mediscare Tactic

Media Research Center

USA Today Finds OWS Theme in Movies, Ignores Villainy

Drawing examples from Batman, Cosmopolis and Arbitrage, newspaper sees Occupiers in Hollywood plots, but finds little to criticize about OWS.
Media Research Center

Going for silver

Media Research Center

Obama's Game is Afoot, Hidden From View

The free market is dying the death of a thousand regulatory power-grabs.
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