10/23/2009 1:24 PM ET
ABC News-Washington Post poll finds huge majority still feeling recession.
10/21/2009 3:06 PM ET
Stories mostly ignore failure of Obama's $787 billion stimulus to halt rising unemployment, continue to give credit for saving or creating jobs.
10/15/2009 5:17 PM ET
Wall Street complaints sparked by Dow 10K similar to what brought communist leader to power 'Mad Money' host explains.
10/14/2009 3:56 PM ET
Macro Portfolio Advisors VP Jim Lacamp says if Bush fault for the economic collapse, you have to give credit for rescue moves made in late 2008.
10/14/2009 12:11 PM ET
ABC allows senator who voted for health care bill to cite misleading statistic regarding medical debt.
10/6/2009 9:41 AM ET
Host suggests Inhofe, DeMint anti-American for differing with president on global warming, Honduras; neglects similar trips by Democrats during Bush Administration.
10/5/2009 2:51 PM ET
Liberal Times economic reporter turned ultra-liberal editorialist Eduardo Porter unleashes his left-wing envy and wonders why life can't be more like Ralph Nader's new novel.
10/5/2009 2:45 PM ET
Deutsche Bank oil analyst marks a comeback of alarmingly high oil predictions.
9/24/2009 1:41 PM ET
For second night in a row, Letterman Show is used as a platform by a leading Democrat to promote a liberal cause.
9/24/2009 10:10 AM ET
N.Y. Times columnist and Nobel winner laments that administration let a crisis go to waste in not nationalizing more of the economy.