
NBCs Chuck Todd Dismissive of Tea Party Protests

Washington correspondent tells 'Today' 'the idea hasn't really caught on.'

Dear NY Times: Bailouts Undermine Themselves

The problem with government bailouts is that they prevent companies from making necessary changes to compete.

LA Times Columnist: 'Bail Out Journalism'

Rosa Brooks ask readers, 'Other democracies pay for accurate reporting, so why shouldn't the U.S.?'

ABC Asks: Is Bad News the New Porn?

Some people are becoming addicted to bad economic news and ABC should share some of the blame.

Krugman: Obama-Inspired Positive Polling Data Not Enough for Economy

Liberal NYT columnist tells MSNBC's Maddow public sentiment doesn't compensate for underlying problems.

NYT Trumpets Obama Triumphs in Democrat-Heavy Poll

Are there really 67% more Democrats than Republicans out there? A Times/CBS poll assumes there are.

Murdoch: Long-Term Economic Situation 'Dangerous'; Recovery 2-3 Years Away

Fox media mogul pessimistic about prospects of economy, points to inflation, protectionism as hurdles to recovery.

Santelli takes on Liberal Economist Reich on $1.1 Trillion for IMF

CNBC reporter debates former Clinton Labor Secretary on merits of government spending to 'reflate' collapsed credit market.

Finally, CNN and NY Times Find Some Good News in Housing Slump

Real state bust is a boon for some first-time buyers.

Newt on G20 Protests: 'The Media is Always Happy to Cover the Anarchic and Violent Left'

Former House Speaker criticizes press for giving more attention to London G20 protests and ignoring bigger taxpayer tea party protests.
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