
Obama Stimulus: $1 Trillion, 600,000 Government Jobs and Few Media Questions

With a forecasted $1 trillion deficit for the foreseeable future, mainstream media hit and miss on just how much government will expand under current proposals.

GMAC Continues Sponsorship of Bowl Game Despite $5 Billion Taxpayer Bailout

Auto lender maintains naming rights to annual New Year's sporting event with reported price tag of $500k.

A Tale of Two Tax Cuts: Obama's Will Save Economy, Bush's for the 'Wealthiest'

'Nightly News' considers tax cuts an integral part of the Obama 'massive economic recovery plan,' ignores how rollback of Bush tax cuts would affect economy.

'World News' Ultimate Financial Hardship: Selling Your Body for Medical Science

For ABC, drug trials replace bread lines as signs of 'tough times.'

CNN Cries for Japanese Recession 'Orphans'

'Newsroom' segment worries about daughter of stay-at-home mom, dad who works 12-14 hour days.

The NYT's Unlikely Savior

What media mogul Rupert Murdoch wants, Rupert Murdoch gets? A Vanity Fair writer can picture it happening.

The Gohmert Proposal: Weighing the Pros and Cons of Tax Holiday as Bailout Alternative

Texas congressman: tax holiday more cost efficient than Paulson's remaining $350 billion bailout; critics say it's too Keynesian.

NBC Finds Libraries 'Popular,' but Suffering from Economy

'Nightly News' segment laments government cuts for library funding, includes a man crying over library closure.

NY Times Columnist Acknowledges Media Feed Economy Fear

Writer blames digital age, 24-hour news cycle for spreading worry further, faster.

Stolberg: Big-Government Proposals Provide "Comfort" in Times Akin to Great Depression

The Times' White House reporter celebrates the New New Deal: "Well I think you're seeing a very interesting comparison frankly to Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal. This has been called the New ...
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