
NBC Off by $70 on Expert's View about $200-a-Barrel Oil

Tom Costello reports record-high predictions don't 'surprise' analyst John Kilduff, although Kilduff says oil will top out in the $130s.

Surprising Figures Don't Stop NYT From Seeing "Recession"

Milder-than-expected job losses in April nonetheless spurred a lead story shouting the loss as "powerful evidence that the United States is almost certainly now ensnared in a recession."

CBS Reports Highest End of Food Costs to Emphasize Food Inflation

Grocery inflation is increasing at an annual rate of 5.3 percent, but 'Evening News' reports on food items that have increased as much as 36 percent.

Media Predictions on Unemployment and Jobs Off by Wide Margin

Economic indicators better than expected.

ABC: Gas Tax Break 'Great Politics, but Apparently Terrible Economics'

'World News' reports proposed gas tax holiday supported by Clinton and McCain is bad for consumers and the environment.

CBS Calls Fidel Castro 'Revolutionary Hero,' Touts Brother's Reforms as 'New Era'

'Early Show' reports changes in Cuba as milestone toward liberalization, but restricted Communist economy remains.

After Positive GDP Growth, 'Nightly News' Unveils Negative Craigslist Indicator

CNBC's Burnett answers unexpectedly positive GDP numbers with a new economic measure.

U.S. Still Making Life Miserable for Illegals, Says Unidentified Hillary Pollster

One question from a pollster highlighted by the Times: "The anti-immigrant sentiment in the United States is making it more difficult to send money to my family." How, exactly?

Couric: 'Incredible Shrinking Rebate' May Not Be Enough

CBS reports food and energy inflation will nullify the effects of 'stimulus,' while credit cards will do well.

CBS Morning Show: Middle Class 'Facing Hunger'

'Early Show' uses jobless couple as representative of middle-class families.
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