10/8/2008 12:00 AM ET
This season, a record number of broadcast television series are featuring sympathetic homosexual characters.
10/7/2008 12:00 AM ET
Abortion zealot Linda Hirshman has vindicated Bernie Goldberg's choice to include her in his book, 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America.
10/7/2008 12:00 AM ET
Economic woes trigger two segments with some refreshing straight talk about pursuing the American dream.
10/6/2008 12:00 AM ET
Anti-God mockumentary beaten out by movies about faith, love, patriotism … and Chihuahuas.
10/1/2008 12:00 AM ET
Media sharpen the knives for that one error in the vice presidential debate.
9/29/2008 12:00 AM ET
Early reviews of Religulous indicate the movie doesn't inspire atheists, it mocks believers.
9/26/2008 12:00 AM ET
'Exclusive' interview is a giant puff piece for new self-proclaimed 'gay' father.
9/24/2008 12:00 AM ET
Obama's bizarre version of Willie Horton is Rush Limbaugh?
9/24/2008 12:00 AM ET
Once again Newsweek gives multiple pages to an atheist's rant.
9/23/2008 12:00 AM ET
Is it an editing error or a dose of political correctness?