5/8/2013 2:40 PM ET
Ecuadorian villagers are upset and ready to fight to protect their rainforest homeland, from the government of Ecuador which has “launched a new oil boom,” according to NBC’s Ann Curry. But Curry ...
4/15/2013 2:53 PM ET
Chatham House think tank says biofuels are ‘worse than fossil fuels.’
4/3/2013 10:53 AM ET
ABC, CBS, NBC promote new EPA regulations, undermine critics.
3/18/2013 3:14 PM ET
Artists Against Fracking fail to register as lobbying group with state of New York, could face fines.
3/12/2013 11:54 AM ET
Sean Lennon, Yoko Ono, Liv Tyler, others sing anti-natural
gas song … again.
3/7/2013 2:32 PM ET
ABC, CBS and NBC pressure Bush more, but praise Obama more.
3/5/2013 10:24 AM ET
Comparison shows NBC News far less willing to report soaring gas prices under Obama.
2/6/2013 12:24 PM ET
Since Jan. 18, networks spent a combined total of eight minutes discussing the increase.