Gas prices are "soaring" again, crossing the $3-a-gallon threshold on Dec. 23 for the first time since Oct. 17, 2008. Back then the benchmark was a relief as prices plunged from the highest price ...
Justin Gillis has another scary front-page story on global warming: "Fossil fuel emissions, they say, are like a runaway train, hurtling the world's citizens toward a stone wall - a carbon dioxide ...
Yes, he's serious: "at a time when a fraudulent, anti-science campaign funded largely by Big Oil and Big Coal has blocked Congress from passing any clean energy/climate bill - is the fact that the ...
Reporter John Broder personalizes the weather to foster global warming alarmism: "The climate itself was not waiting for the outcome of the talks. An analysis of average global temperatures ...
Climate controversy shook public's faith in global warming science, but not network news media's. Reporters downplayed allegations, defended the science and turned accused into victims.