
Matthews to Skeptical Congressman: 'Are You a Luddite, a Troglodyte?'

MSNBC host belittles California congressman Dana Rohrabacher for not buying into man-caused global warming.

'Skeptical Environmentalist' Doubts 'Underwater Manhattan' Global Warming Scenario

Lomborg: 'If it really were true that Manhattan will be 20 feet underwater in 10 years, there would be no time to reverse global warming anyway.'

Front-Page Placement for Left-Wing Propaganda for Kids

Annie Leonard's "The Story of Stuff" portrays corporations as a bloated person sporting a top hat and with a dollar sign etched on its front. Very subtle!

'60 Minutes' Promotes $27-Billion Leftist 'Fraud' Efforts Against Chevron

One-sided segment uses misleading footage, biased sources and omits key points to perpetrate scheme by Ecuadoran government, friend of Obama.

'World News' Airs Catastrophic Global Warming story for Earth Day

ABC correspondent Bill Blakemore recycles one-sided calamitous predictions, insists humans must agree to cut carbon emissions.

CNN Admits 'Cap and Trade' Will Cost, in Earth Day 'Energy Fix'

Poppy Harlow mentions EPA estimate of higher energy prices, but doesn't include other projections and criticisms of legislation.

Anti-Global-Warming Activist Marc Morano Gets Cold Shoulder

The Times tries to discredit anti-global-warming activist Marc Morano by linking him to some of their favorite villains: Exxon, the Swift Boat Veterans, and Richard Mellon Scaife.

'Nightly News' Brings Alarmism Back

NBC chief environmental affairs correspondent alleges melting ice is 'a situation made worse by manmade global warming that now needs a manmade solution.'

Report: Vanity Fair Kills Annual 'Green Issue'

Publisher will add eco-reporting to all issues; admits financial crisis has taken focus off environment.

Enviro-Elmo Gives Green Gospel to Terrible Twos

Sesame Street: 'green' indoctrination for the pre-school set.
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