
Media Research Center

Washington Post Praises Pope Francis on Leaked Climate Change Encyclical

Liberal media praising Pope now, but blasted Catholic leader for conservative positions on social issues.
Media Research Center

Miley Cyrus Launches LGBT Instagram Campaign

... with all her trademark class.
Media Research Center

What the Media Won’t Tell You about the Pride Parade

‘No H8’ right? Think again …
Media Research Center

Mr. T Gives Testimony to Christianity, Family

HuffPost Live surprisingly airs ringing endorsement of conservative values.
Media Research Center

Media Abstain from Reporting CDC Abstinence Change

Abstinence ‘most reliable’ means of avoiding STDs.
Media Research Center

All Tarted Up ...

Media Research Center

Elizabeth Banks: Birth Control My ‘Number One Advice’ for High School Girls

Actress offers some unique advice to girls.
Media Research Center

NY Times: Transgender Kids’ Lit ‘Part of Fabric of Who We Are’

Gray Lady welcomes trans titles for children.
Media Research Center

A Week of ‘Caitlyn’ Swoon: 51 Network Minutes and Gallons of Purple Ink

To media, reality denying is ‘life-affirming.’
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