
Media Research Center

Media Applaud Target’s Removal of Gender 'Stigmas' on Toy Labels

 The retail store is right on target to fight gender stereotypes – according to the media, that is.
Media Research Center

Boy Scouts Allow Gay Leaders; Slate Cheers ‘Huge Step Forward’

Policy still allows religious sponsors of local troops to appoint leaders who align with principles.
Media Research Center

ABC Pushes Polyamory

Marriage ‘equality’ for same-sex couples? That’s so yesterday.
Media Research Center

HuffPost: LGBTQ Sex-Ed “Vital to Healthy Behavior by Youth”

Just not enough gay propaganda in schools.
Media Research Center

In NY Times, Law Prof on Polygamy: ‘Is There Any Magic Power in the Number Two?'

‘The real force of the polygamy question is a lesson in humility.’
Media Research Center

MTV Bullies Kids, Makes Them Cry To Raise Awareness For ‘White Privilege’

 New documentary celebrates bullying children to promote an agenda.
Media Research Center

Abortionist: Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Nucatola Like ‘Jesus Before Crucifixion’

 Dr. Willie Parker applauds friend and colleague Dr. Nucatola.
Media Research Center

NY Mag Writer Liberates Wife from ‘Patriarchal Oppression’ of Monogamy

Open marriage is a ‘mature, responsible way to address our needs.’
Media Research Center

5 Fruitcake Feminist Phenomena the Press Promulgates

Woe unto clean-shaven slut shamers!
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