
Media Research Center

From Cabinet to ...

Media Research Center

CBS, Bloomberg and Vox Attack Turbo Tax Owner

Media claim Intuit is trying to keep IRS tax code complicated, offer little evidence, hype Soros-funded group’s study.
Media Research Center

When Stone-Wallers are Stone-Walled

Media Research Center

Obamacare Stories Ignore Taxes, Penalties 88 Percent of the Time

Even in tax season, Obamacare-related taxes barely mentioned by evening news shows.
Media Research Center

The Picture of Success

Media Research Center

CBS Hypes Misleading Government Alcohol Study

Taxpayers pay for unnecessary study on alcohol-related fatalities.
Media Research Center

Jon Stewart Takes Dishonest Shots at Hobby Lobby, Christians

‘Daily Show’ misrepresents facts, mocks faithful.
Media Research Center

Media Ignore César Chávez’s Opposition to Illegal Immigration, Racial Advocacy

Despite Chávez’s actual views, liberal media, then and now, use his legacy to promote their agenda.
Media Research Center

FRC Plans #HobbyLobby Day March 29

Family Research Council urges Americans to stand with Christian crafts store.
Media Research Center

17 News Companies Support FOIA Lawsuit Against Michael Mann

AP, Reuters, Washington Post and others become unlikely allies in lawsuit over access to climate scientist’s emails.
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