
Media Research Center

Fiscal Cliff Solutions

Media Research Center

FrackNation to premiere on AXS TV in January

Filmmaker Phelim McAleer’s movie which he says ‘tells the truth about fracking’ will debut on television Jan. 22.
Media Research Center

Kochs Open Up to Forbes: ‘We Get Death Threats ...’

Forbes magazine reveals side of the Kochs most media ignore including business philosophy, being targets of left, and philanthropy.
Media Research Center

How The Grinch Stole Christmas

Media Research Center

Media Join Left-Wing Assault on Grover Norquist

Man the left called an ‘anti-tax jihadist’ garners media attention over GOP ‘mutiny,’ after earlier left-wing attacks on him.
Media Research Center

Honest Barry? Media Hype Comparisons of Obama to Lincoln

MSNBC, others lament Obama’s ‘terrible trials and struggles to make changes’ just like Lincoln.
Media Research Center

Fiscal Cliff: ABC Talks Taxes 17 Times More Than Spending Cuts

 All three broadcast networks focus more on tax increases as solution to budget battle. 
Media Research Center

Washington Post Mag Finds ‘Cash for Clunkers’ Harmed Demolition Derby

Program that spent taxpayer money on new cars was praised by Washington Post and other media in 2009.
Media Research Center


Media Research Center

Networks Blamed Feds For Katrina Failure, Credit Them for Sandy

When it comes to natural disasters, ABC, CBS, NBC coverage reveals double standard.
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