
Government Bailout Profit a Myth, Says Merrill Lynch Economist

CNBC analyst cites IMF report and explains history of banking crises show they cost 13 percent of GDP.

'Your $$$$$' Squabble: Experts Argue over 'Socialist' Bailout

Peter Schiff blasts government for intervening in markets and argues against bailout while Stephen Leeb promotes Congressional plan.

CNBC: Congressional Republicans 'Hate Wall Street'

Correspondent says conservative resistance to bailout plan is partially over campaign contributions to Democrats.

Friedman on Bailout: Gov't Should Mandate Green Construction

New York Times columnist says ownership from $700 billion bailout of Wall Street should force environmental initiatives.

Cramer: 'Dysfunctional' Banking System Puts U.S. 'Totally' at Risk of 'Great Depression No. 2'

CNBC host promotes taxpayer-funded federal bailout and Fed interest rate cut to stem financial problems.

ABC Highlights 'Anything but Helpful' Government Healthcare 'Mess'

'Good Morning America' reports on faulty Medicare hotline.

CEO: Fannie/Freddie Bailout Makes America 'More Communist than China'

Rogers Holdings chief tells CNBC Europe U.S. brand of socialism is meant only for the rich.

Google CEO: We Need Gov't Regulation of Internet Service Providers

Chairman of search engine Eric Schmidt says government must prevent service providers from crowding out competition.

Cramer Slams Government Over Fannie, Freddie Mismanagement

'Mad Money' host decries lack of oversight after GSE stocks plummet on Barrons article warning of federal takeover.

FCC Commissioner: Return of Fairness Doctrine Could Control Web Content

McDowell warns reinstated powers could play in net neutrality debate, lead to government requiring balance on Web sites.
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