10/5/2007 9:58 AM ET
Job numbers outdo predictions and revisions change August numbers from negative to positive.
10/4/2007 10:11 AM ET
After company's CEO Erik Prince is grilled by congressional Democrats and castigated by the media, security contractor does its job in Iraq.
10/3/2007 3:22 PM ET
Both CBS and NBC also overlook the $100 million saved by hiring private contractor versus the government providing security through State Department.
10/3/2007 11:55 AM ET
Media coverage of State Children's Health Insurance Program expansion heavy on liberal talking points, light on its unattractive reality.
10/2/2007 3:04 PM ET
'World News' praises billionaire who tackled Montana's drug problem with business sense.
10/2/2007 12:42 PM ET
'Evening News' interrogates Giuliani 'bundler,' but skips over President Clinton's contribution-related appointments.
9/27/2007 3:43 PM ET
Democratic presidential candidate Clinton already proposed rolling back Bush tax cuts to fund her health care proposal.
9/26/2007 12:55 PM ET
CNN political analyst gives emotional opinions, omits White House position that $35-billion spending increase 'goes too far toward federalizing health care.'
9/24/2007 5:07 PM ET
Democratic presidential hopeful tells Sunday shows that business wants Hillarycare.
9/21/2007 11:42 PM ET
Liberal Democratic presidential hopeful proposes class-warfare tax policy to fight 'middle class squeeze.'