
Media Research Center

ABC: Crusade Against Beef Costs 600 Jobs

Some journalists aren’t content with covering the news; they have to make it, too. That’s been ABC’s strategy as the network has led the charge against USDA-approved beef.
Media Research Center

ABC Takes a Pro- E-Coli Position in Hit Job on Meat Industry

Network uses activist term ‘pink slime’ 52 times in just two weeks.
Breast Cancer Fund

Lefty Group Uses Pink to Camouflage Green Activism, Attack Business

Media ignore that BCF is really eco-group in disguise that supports Markey legislation to ban chemicals like BPA.
Media Research Center

First Amendment Fun

Media Research Center

WaPo Columnist Uses Military Women to Shill for Contraception Mandate

Liberal media outlets have proven pathologically incapable of telling the truth about Obama’s birth control mandate, portraying the issue as a war on women. Now, the Washington Post is even ...
Media Research Center

Signs of the Times

ABC's Richard Besser

Ignoring Science, 97% of Stories Hype BPA as Health Threat

Susan G. Komen Foundation beaten up by anti-chemical left when it found ‘scant’ evidence of BPA danger.
Media Research Center

Just in Time for Thanksgiving, Media Hypes BPA Scare in Canned Food

ABC, NBC reports hype threat of exposure of BPA in canned food, uses left wing reports
Media Research Center

This Thanksgiving, Media Still Stuffed with Food Police Message

Media outlets maintain tradition with anti-obesity reporting heavy on calls for food regulation, taxation, with a side of shaming the overweight.
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