
Times Food Writer Doesn't Trust Food

Food writer Kim Severson claims E. coli is "a constant in the food supply" and passes along a filmmaker-activist's suggestions on combatting "Food, Inc.": "Plant a garden. Cook a meal for the ...

On ABC, Billionaire Pete Peterson Calls for Health Care Sacrifice

'Good Morning America' lets the tough questions go.

Washington Post Article on 'Broken Health System' also Broken

Connolly misstates actual number needing heath insurance, doesn't label liberal group.

Choking Freedom of Choice: Policing Soda, French Fries, Smoking?

Guests on FNC raise health questions: To what extent should government coerce people into healthy lifestyles?

Networks Tell One Side of Health Care Story: Obama's

Reports on president's meeting with health care industry and potential 'reform' leave out critics, free-market solutions.

ABC, NBC Hype CSPI's Left-Wing Anti-Restaurant Study

Evening newscasts push Center for Science in the Public Interest study about killer salt, downplay individual responbility for food choices.

CNN's Rick Sanchez Assails Food Industry

'Conversation' host interviews former FDA chief who claims food consumers being 'manipulated;' leaves out counterargument.

ABC Medical Editor Calms Down Media's Flu Coverage

Dr. Timothy Johnson tells viewers virus may not be as 'lethal' as feared; calls out overreacting media.

Media Latch on to Swine Flu 'Pandemic'

National news goes hog wild with influenza stories but barely discusses Bush preparations; need for border security.
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