
CNN Says End is Near for Middle Class

"In the Money" promo for liberal group reinforces middle-class extinction theories.

CNN Heavily Promotes Dobbs and His Idea of 'Class Warfare'

As Election Nears, 'American Morning' host Soledad O'Brien provides a platform to slam Bush tax cuts, free trade.

Networks Overlook 810,000 New Jobs

Weekend news reports leave out huge revision to employment numbers.

Marking Big Labor's Latest Revival & the Focus on "Stagnant Wages" Canard

Greenhouse: "....worker discontent over stagnant wages, shuttered factories, shrinking pensions and the soaring trade deficit." But a fellow reporter noted that hourly wages rose 4 percent in ...

Washington Post's Ahrens Worries About 'Super-Rich' Success

Reporter's story left out any rebuttal from conservative economists who say zero-sum economics doesn't work.

Good Morning America Brushes Off Wal-Mart Veto News from Chicago

But Windy City's liberal leaders have huffed and puffed against company for years while suburbs pick up stores, jobs and tax revenue.

Labor Day or Layoff Day?

ABC News leads the charge of bad news for workers, despite low unemployment and industries clamoring for more help.

V for Verizon? One Reporter's Telecom Vendetta

CNN's Allen Wastler rings bell for more government interference with telecoms, but ignores consumers' existing costs from high taxes and regulation.

Raul Castro's Idea of 'Free Enterprise': Drug Smuggling?

ABC sniffs out lead on Cuban military chief's hand in cocaine running operations.

Washington Post: 'Moderate' Republicans Support Tax Increases, Minimum Wage Hikes

Reporter calls pro-tax Virginia politicians 'moderate' while those against tax hikes are 'hard-core.'
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