
Media Research Center

Planned Parenthood Campaign Eliminates ‘Pro-Life,’ ‘Pro-Choice’ Language

Orwellian wordplay from the abortion giant.
Media Research Center

Networks Nearly Mum on Hobby Lobby’s Religious Freedom Suit

Finally, an Obama victory the broadcast networks aren’t celebrating.
Media Research Center

CNN Contributor Extols ‘Liberating Future’ of Laboratory Babies

‘After sex without reproduction, reproduction without sex.’
Media Research Center

CNN Promotes Liberal Catholics’ Attack on Bishops

Cites groups claiming ‘America’s Catholic bishops out of touch with Catholic laypeople.’  
Media Research Center

Left Turns Rachel Carson into Hero for Children

‘Silent Spring’ author indirectly responsible for millions of malaria deaths, put on pedestal in kids’ books for all ages. 
Media Research Center Celebrates Androgynous Japanese Ad

Cheers ‘changing way gender is portrayed in advertising.’
Media Research Center

Media Leave Liberal Soros’s Politics Aside in News of Manchester United Buy

Left-wing billionaire George Soros acquires minority share of popular English soccer team, but his politics goes unmentioned.
Media Research Center

Media Repeatedly Ignores Violent Attacks Against Pro-Lifers

Networks silent on harassment of conservatives, instead devote coverage to Tom Cruise’s divorce.
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