
Oscar Loves Juno?

For once there is a movie whose message has brought cheers from both the pro-life and pro-choice camps. This is a good thing. Hollywood is applauding Juno. The public should applaud Hollywood for ...

On Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Decision, Law & Order: SVU Depicts Pro-Lifers as Hypocrites and Criminals

Note to NBC: Not all pro-life activists are nut jobs who break the law to advance their mission.

Bella Does it Again

Thanks to grassroots efforts, the independent pro-life movie secures box office distribution for the biggest movie weekend of the year.

Bella and the Pro-Life Film Trend

Movie critics will probably hate Bella, since it doesn't even have oodles of sex and profanity in it to keep them entertained. Variety already booed: Manipulative pic trades in fairy-tale views of ...

What a Difference a Judge Makes

The magnitude of who gets to appoint the next justice to the United States Supreme Court is supremely illustrated by the Court's ruling today upholding the congressional ban on partial birth abortion.

Fox Medical Drama Surprises Viewers with Pro-Life Storyline

House writers choose to value life, at least for an hour in prime time.

New York Times Warns of 'Scant Progress' on Women's Pay

Leonhardt story leads with worst data, buries how pay gap has narrowed.

Warning! Retailers on the Holiday Prowl

USA Today takes stores to task for advertising toys to kids.

PBS Gives a Hyped View of College Costs

'Nightly Business Report' segment ignored latest figures showing costs on decline.

NBC's News Flash: Busy Holiday Travel Season Means Higher Airfares

'Today' features travelers who want what they want, when they want it, regardless of market price.
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