
WSJ Washington Editor: Network Newscasts 'Don't Matter Anymore'

ABC, CBS and NBC nighttime reports less important to political news cycle.

Media Follow Gay Script on Marriage Ruling

News coverage celebrates the California Supreme Court's creation of a new 'right,' but ignores the moral concerns and the infringement on the public's right to self-government.

Senators Warn Bill Could Spike Gas $1.50 to $5 a Gallon

Inhofe, Sessions blast massive costs of global warming legislation.

Media Make Economic Storms Out of Silver Linings

Reports of stronger economy get spun as negative.

Plagiarizing NYT Reporter Disparages Salmon Industry with Another Questioned Story

Trade association discovers writer identifies security guard as 'the port director' after having been accused of plagiarism on two occasions.

All We Are Saying is Give Profit a Chance

'Evening News' is talkin' 'bout money drought, selling out, 'Lennon, thanks,' making bank.

Media Predictions on Unemployment and Jobs Off by Wide Margin

Economic indicators better than expected.

Fineman: 'Just Like the Dollar is Weak, American Media is Weak'

Newsweek senior Washington correspondent notes globalization of press has led to a weaker American mainstream media.

NASA's Hansen Rails Against Coal At Fringe Left-Wing Event

'Climate Super Rally' strays from global warming into leftist anti-Bush, anti-Iraq war and anti-corporation event.

Gaiag Me with a Spoon

No subject, not even Barack Obama and the New Camelot, inspires reporters to drop any pretense of balance and objectivity like the Environment.
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