
Obama Breaks with Radical Church - After Conservatives Question Patriotism?

What more can the poor man do? "Now that Mr. Obama has addressed his ties to the church and pastor in a long speech and fully broken with both, it is not clear what else he can say or do to ...

GOP Again Challenging Dem Patriotism - But Where's the Times' Evidence?

Robin Toner's still whining about Michael Dukakis: "[In 1988] the Republicans used the symbols of nationhood (notably, whether schoolchildren should be required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance) ...

The Art of the Non-Apology

TIME and HBO offend veterans and Catholics in the name of environmentalism and comedy. Too bad.

Back to the 80s? A Bad Reaganite Rerun, Says Style Reporter

There they go again: "The leading action symbols of the Reagan era - with all their excess, jingoism and good vs. evil bombast...."

Picking on Patriotic Passports

Neil MacFarquhar finds a new passport design 'rife' with patriotic imagery.

Spy Story Scarier than Real Life

'Good Morning America' frightens viewers with radioactive coverage.

CNN's Dobbs Accuses Ford Motor Co. of Funding Terrorism

The carmaker's crime: selling cars to civilians in Syria.
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