
'Nightly News' Jabs McCain's Tech-Savvy

NBC reporter Kelly O'Donnell ignores McCain's work on Senate Commerce committee in segment similar to a recent Obama ad.

Schieffer: McCain Campaign 'Demeaning to Women' Because No Palin Press Conferences

CBS 'Face the Nation' anchor and presidential debate moderator criticizes evolution of blogs and their effect on media business, citing Palin pregnancy rumors.

Ron Paul: Palin Can't 'Rein in the Empire'

Former GOP and Libertarian presidential candidate calls for 'hard money' approach to economics in alternative convention speech.

Carter: Oil Industry Will Hold Down Prices to Help Republicans

Former President Jimmy Carter tells 'Early Show' crude costs will remain low to benefit GOP in 2008 election.

'World News' Attacks Banking Lobbyist at DNC Convention

ABC correspondent Brian Ross ignores 1st Amendment, tries to expose how legislators are 'spoon-fed.'

Bill Maher: 'People Get Stupider and Stupider Every Election Cycle'

HBO 'Real Time' host says Americans 'don't deserve good leaders.'

Judges Favor the Profane

In effect, the court said that because the Enforcement Bureau of the FCC has been a steady, ongoing farce of decency protection for thirty years, it must always and forever remain a joke.

Courts Can't Cope with COPA

The Third Circuit strikes down Congress's attempt to protect children from online porn by requiring smut site visitors to provide adult ID.

Court Punts Super Bowl Indecency Ruling Back to FCC

All the FCC needs to do is inform broadcasters that fleeting images of nudity constitute actionable indecency, and it intends to enforce the rules.

NBC's Gregory: Knowledge of Journalist Votes Would Compromise Reporting

White House correspondent says media expansion, including talk radio, has had a 'corrosive' effect on political discourse.
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