
Media Research Center

NY Times: Transgender Kids’ Lit ‘Part of Fabric of Who We Are’

Gray Lady welcomes trans titles for children.
Media Research Center

A Week of ‘Caitlyn’ Swoon: 51 Network Minutes and Gallons of Purple Ink

To media, reality denying is ‘life-affirming.’
Media Research Center

NARAL President: Abortion the Foundation ‘On Which Everything Else is Built’

Washington Post fawns over abortion extremist.
Media Research Center

MSNBC’s Carmon Asks Miss Piggy: ‘Are You Pro-Choice?’

Miss Piggy is a pro.  
Media Research Center

Ammosexual: (n.) Liberal Slur for 2nd Amendment Enthusiasts

Alternet rags on celebrities with any conservative streak.
Media Research Center

On Belfast Gay Cake, Patrick Stewart takes “Side of the Bakers’

Behold: a liberal being … liberal!
Media Research Center

Sally Kohn: ‘I Want My Daughter to Copy the Caitlyn Jenner Model of Femininity’

Parents should encourage kids to ‘Be more like Caitlyn Jenner.’
Media Research Center

Daily Beast Celebrates ‘Triumph’ of Soccer’s ‘Samoan Caitlyn’

Being uncomfortable with transgenderism is ‘sexual bigotry.’
Media Research Center

MSNBC Panel: Using ‘Women’ in Abortion Language ‘Excludes Trans Men’

Really. Someone said that. On TV.
Media Research Center

WaPo: A Woman won the 1976 Men’s Decathlon

Post article advocates for full memory scrub for Jenner.
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