Griffin Appears on 'Joy Behar' to Discuss Her Televised Pap Smear

Comedian Kathy Griffin tried to sell her latest stunt, a poolside pap smear filmed for her show “My Life on the D List,” as a way to show young women the test is no big deal. But based on her April 15 appearance on “The Joy Behar Show,” it's simply an excuse to crack crass jokes and describe “bedazzled” intimate body parts. Unsurprisingly, Behar eagerly added to the obscenities.   

According to Griffin, young women do not get pap smears because they are too scared to get one. Behar quipped, “You know, I can understand that attitude because in my day a lot of the girls were virgins, believe it or not. But the younger girls-these girl-- they're sleeping around like crazy. This is no big deal, believe me.”

Griffin unnecessarily claimed, “This is nothing compared to a rainbow party,” a group oral sex activity brought to national attention by Oprah in 2004.

And instead of being concerned about any innocent bystanders who may be around the poolside and don't want to see Griffin's pap smear, Behar expressed concern for Griffin, asking, “…aren't you afraid of getting chlorine in your cooch?” Griffin replied, “I'm afraid of getting a lot of things in my cooch, but I don't think, you know, now is the time to start worrying about that frankly. I remember the 90s pretty well.” 

As for the “aesthetic issue,” Griffin explained to Behar that  she “vajazzled” herself in preparation for the test. Even Behar was confused and wondered if that would interfere with the pap smear. (“Vajazzled” refers to decorating a woman's private parts with stick-on crystals.)

Ready with another vulgar response, Griffith responded, “Look that's a very common issue here in Hollywood because it's very trendy to be vajazzled or balljzzled or pajzzled as the gays want to do.”

Behar continued the conversation and wondered about Griffin's design and if she “color coordinated.” Griffin explained that she had different options to choose from. She said she wanted, “to put in crystal 'suck it.'” Ultimately she did not because she thought it would upset her mother and make woman take her pap smear less seriously.

Behar retorted, “If I were gonna do that I maybe would do a Picasso, but I don't want to get a guitar stuck in my vulva that way. You know what I mean?”

If Griffin was truly concerned about wanting to increase the number of women who receive pap smears, perhaps she could find a less vulgar way of promoting them – perhaps by talking about why such tests are necessary and a little less about “vajazzling.”  

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