Obama Opposite Speak and NY's 'Millionaires' Tax'

The talking heads rarely tell you the real news.

Obama Putting Our Tax Dollars On Auto Pilot

Major media pushed for bailout billions when many knew it was throwing good money after bad.

Big Government in an Itsy Bitsy, Teeny Weeny Bikini

The nanny state waxes huge.

The Obamathon Continues

And we're all 'Barry's Kids' now.

Michelle to Young Girls: Aim for Vacuous Celebrity, Not Useful Productivity

The first lady sends a signal about what she considers acceptable ambition.

Attack Dogs? No, Democrats Walk the Dinosaur

Left and media go from post-partisan to Jurassic in less than two months.

Pants On Fire

Obama's big 5 percent lie.

We'll Pry Global Warming from Their Cold, Dead Hands

Lefties cling to shrill climate claims despite their own research about cooling trend.

But What If The Rich Refuse To Be Eaten?

Between bites of Kobe beef burger, President Obama has decided to eat the rich no matter the damage to the economy.

Here Lies a New Administration - Again and Again

Media ignore the excesses of Pinocchio politics.
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