Media, Left Usually Get Economics Wrong

Misreporting of economy is due to mix of errors, spin and total BS.

What the Food Stamp Explosion Says

Who says Obama's not helping business? Fast food is raking in money from those on assistance.

Happy Birthday: Obama Gives Himself 3,200 Reasons to Celebrate

President talks 39 times more about himself than he does the debt.

The Debt Ceiling Argument is the Wrong Conversation

Not another cent for incompetence and corruption.

Missing the Point Yet Again

What part of 'broke' don't people understand?

True Confessions of a Befuddled Treasury Secretary

Timmy Geithner is experimenting.

UN Claims Going Green to Cost $76 Trillion

New survey calls for global governance and possible national energy caps.

Continuing To Fiddle While Rome Burns

Spending money that doesn't exist on programs that shouldn't exist.

America to Military: Thank You for Your Sacrifice

July 4 is a good time to show appreciation to men and women who risk everything for us.

Don't Worry Snookie, Government's Looking Out for You

While Rome burns, Obama's bureaucrats fiddle with sun screen.
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