Culture Articles

TIME Covers a Sunday School for Atheists

Why do the media need to provide an atheist rebuttal to every God-centered holiday?

Hillary's No Moral Conservative

To describe Hillary Clinton as a 'moral conservative' is upside down and backwards.

'Revolutionary' Stem Cell Research Breakthrough Gets Skeptical Treatment from ABC

Holy Grail story gets buried half-way through the newscast.

Glamour's Women of the Year Lean Left

Focusing solely on inspirational liberal women short changes conservative women looking for role models.

Post Sugarcoats Thuggery Against Philadelphia Boy Scouts

The Post's description is a classic example of moral equivalence, in which aggressor and victim are co-belligerents.

Family Guy Out-Crudes Itself

Immigration, patriotism ... and male anatomy?

Praying for Hollywood

ABC positively reports on a prayer network for celebrities but can't avoid the tabloid trap.

Bella Does it Again

Thanks to grassroots efforts, the independent pro-life movie secures box office distribution for the biggest movie weekend of the year.

Will Barry Bonds Get Off the Low Road?

Will the slugger do what's best for baseball and for the nation, and accept responsibility for what he's done? Or will he continue his selfish, feeble effort to protect himself?

Traditional Values Losing at William & Mary

While the vets proudly marched nearby, the second oldest university in the nation was officially dissing the faith that launched the American Revolution as -- you guessed it -- not inclusive enough.

Supreme Court May Target Second Amendment

The press took umbrage at the D.C. District Court's broad interpretation of the Constitution, which recognized an individual right to keep and bear arms and shot down D.C.'s gun ban as ...

The Shameless Spring Break Porn King

There She Goes Again

Newsweek's religion writer gets it wrong on Jefferson, Reagan, statistical analysis…

The Media Assault on American Values

The conflict between the media, personal responsibility and respect for religion.

The Media Assault on American Values: Executive Summary

The conflict between the media, personal responsibility and respect for religion.

Bill Press: Liberals Have No TV Network, No Op-Ed Pages

Apparently liberal radio gabber Bill Press has never read the New York Times, or watched a single TV news program.

Did Someone Say Pray? Bring on the Atheist Rebuttal!

ABC ridicules Georgia governor Sonny Perdue for asking God to relieve a drought.

Beware Hillary's Whitewash

How is it that the wife of an impeached president, the policy architect of a 1300-page left-wing health-care fiasco, and the document-shredding stonewaller of a welter of scandals turn her ...

Media Claim Business Owes Debt to Society

Lenders and related companies are blamed for borrowers' debt troubles six times as often as borrowers, according to a new study of network media coverage.

CNN Uses Wounded, Homeless Vets to Indict Bush, U.S.

On Veteran's Day, the cable network says America's treatment of retired servicemen is a national shame.

Two Nets Salute Vets

Fox, NBC honor American military veterans without playing politics.

The Golden Compass Fraud

Isn't it a bit perverse to head into the Christmas holiday season hyping an atheist fantasy movie for kids?

Does AP Stand for 'Anti-Abstinence Propaganda?'

Associated Press slams abstinence-only education as Congress considers funding.

CBS Features Drastic City Plan to Slim Down Residents

Forget personal responsibility, it's all about fast food restaurants.

What Is ITVS? And Why Is It Funding Libertine-Left Propaganda?

In funding filmmakers to go out and make one-sided left-wing films, Public Broadcasting subsidies serve, in effect, as ideological pork-barrel spending.

A Pro-Life Media Trifecta

The Washington Post and ABC cover pro-life stories … fairly! And Bella continues her box office success.

Hollywood Out on Strike? Don't Hurry Back

It isn't every day the industry spearheading the destruction of the culture shuts itself down.

The Singing Revolution Celebrates Freedom

How many of us knew that Estonia, one of the smallest countries on the face of this earth, is responsible for one of the most extraordinary, and certainly the most unique revolutions in modern ...

Blasphemy as 'Satire'

Sarah Silverman portrays God as an arrogant, pot-smoking, foul-mouthed boyfriend she can't wait to dump.

Institutionalizing Journalistic Bias

The reporter's 'bible' decrees the use of terms that favor abortion.