MRC Business

Obama Embraces Media Hype about Economic 'Turmoil'

Networks virtually ignore good economic news, don't challenge claim economy in 'crisis.'

GOP Platform Chair: McCain 'Pushed Very Hard' for Climate Change Plank

Rep. Kevin McCarthy says the nominee's influence, 'strong belief when it comes to global warming' are the reasons for support.

CBS Gives Downbeat Spin of Bush Economy

'Evening News' cites 'economy in shambles' as stain on presidential record.

Ron Paul: Palin Can't 'Rein in the Empire'

Former GOP and Libertarian presidential candidate calls for 'hard money' approach to economics in alternative convention speech.

Music and All That's Left (Wing) Embrace Warming Pop-Aganda

'Hannah Montana' star Miley Cyrus shows eco'brain washing starts at young age.

CNBC Anchor 'Embarrassed' by Media Coverage of Palin Daughter

'Squawk Box' host upset pregnancy story on 'cover of every paper.'

ABC Resorts to Questionable Ethics ... Again

'World News' goes undercover in segment contrary to journalistic standards, despite having cameraman arrested for same tactics a week before.

Michael Moore: Hurricane Coming During GOP Convention 'Proof There Is a God in Heaven'

Controversial filmmaker admits he's delighted to see a natural disaster potentially interfere with the Republican event.

CBS, NBC Fawn Over Obama, Ignore GPD Boost

ABC reports swifter than expected growth, but reminds viewers 'dollar is so weak.'
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