MRC Business

Govt's 4-Day Work Week Doesn't Work

The media embrace a shorter work week without regard to taxpayers.

Climate-Change Games

China's use of force to solve Olympic-sized pollution problems may be preview of cap-and-trade policies.

Network News Barely Considers Nuclear Option

Media outlets mostly ignore easy energy solution even when brought up by candidates, despite the nation's urgent power needs.

McGovern Criticizes News 'Saturation' of Democratic Primary

Former presidential candidate says increasing media competition bad for politics; calls Iraq war 'as popular as AIDS.'

FCC Commissioner: Return of Fairness Doctrine Could Control Web Content

McDowell warns reinstated powers could play in net neutrality debate, lead to government requiring balance on Web sites.

Post Drills Holes in Arguments Against Offshore Oil

Editorial tackles three 'myths' used by groups like NRDC to oppose American energy.

Only 25 Percent See Global Warming Threat

ABC poll finds few Americans see climate change as environment's biggest threat, more trust business than government to address problems.

Pence: Republican Protesters 'Don't Need' 'Mainstream Media'

Congressmen dismiss necessity of network TV coverage; call on McCain to help drilling cause.

'Evening News' Declares Imminent Death of Suburbia

Segment repeats 15-year-old claims by doom-and-gloom author who wrongly predicted Dow crash, Y2K disasters.
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