MRC Business

Washington Post, USA Today Favor Liberal's Plan to Regulate Mortgages

Newspapers showcase Rep. Barney Frank's plan to further 'control' the industry, virtually ignore criticism and opposition.

Moyers Gives Liberal Author 40 Minutes to Bash Blackwater in Interview

PBS host conducts one-sided interview devoid of objectivity with Jeremy Scahill, longtime critic of private military contractors.

Lovelock: Warming Will Kill 6 Billion

Gaia theory creator says 'dark time' will leave only 500 million, 'but for those who survive, I suspect it will be rather exciting.'

Parade Magazine Dismisses Notion Hugo Chavez Is a 'Mortal Enemy'

Report misleads on trade relations, omits realities of Chávez's impact on Venezuela and U.S. economy.

Twenty Years After Black Monday: Similar and Very Different

Media hoped for the best, but warned about the worst on Oct. 19, 1987. Now, it's mostly the latter.

CNN: Perception Trumps Reality with Recession

Business correspondent Ali Velshi admits how people 'feel' is more important than economic fundamentals.

'Nightly News' Continues 'War' on Bottled Water

Bottled-water industry targeted again as an environmental evil.

CBS Cites Corruption Expert, Without Saying He's a Democratic Candidate

'Evening News' 'Follow the Money' segment gives one-sided account of a federal fraud probe in the military's food-supply operations for the Iraq war.

GMA: Sweaters Predict Coming Economic 'Crisis'

ABC doom story warns viewers of red flags to 'watch out' for.
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