MRC Business

Networks Respect 'America's Best-Known Forecaster,' Except When He Talks about Global Warming

Networks rush to cover Dr. Bill Gray's hurricane predictions, but leave out the fact that he thinks the world might cool again soon.

Time Part II: Magazine Also Has a Beef with Steak

Time's 51 things 'to make a difference' would control food we eat and where it is grown.

Airline Complaints Down, Network Complaints about Airlines Up

CBS, NBC attack industry for poor performance though travelers do not.

Time Magazine Gives 51 Ways to Save Planet, Including Taxes & Regulation

Magazine's prescription for planet's 'serious illness' includes a strong dose of government and 'feel good factors.'

'60 Minutes' Uses 13 of Its Minutes to Back Drug Regulation

CBS attacks drug companies, fails to explain impact price controls would have on the market.

NY Times and ABC: Global Warming Inevitable, So Pay Up

'World News' offers 'frightening' global warming story; Times calls for rich countries to pay more for future damage.

CNN Blames the Victim in Data Theft

O'Brien blasts TJX for not being 'forthcoming' instead of criticizing criminals for the thefts.

CBS Showcases Activists Who Want to 'Protect' Kids from TV Ads

Report features usual liberal suspects, leaves out parental responsibility and fails to include food industry.

Subprime Reporting

Networks blame lenders, not borrowers for foreclosure 'epidemic.'
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