MRC Business

CBS Obesity Story Heavy on Hype, Light On Substance

Reporter Thalia Assuras fails to inform audience of the limitations of body mass index in diagnosing, treating childhood obesity.

Film Review: 'The Power of Choice,' A Milton Friedman Special

Documentary highlights the man and his ideas that changed the world.

AP, NY Times Lament Low Union Participation

Reporters highlight concern about 'intimidation,' leave out possibility that unions work against employees' self interest.

Wash. Post Shows Balance in Climate Debate As Inconvenient Hassle For Science Teacher

Reporter Blaine Harden leaves out any critics of Al Gore's Oscar-nominated film.

CNN Dusts Off 6-Month-Old Study to Push Internet Advertising Regulations

Network's top doc gives just 6 seconds to industry and zero time to talk about parental responsibility.

CNN's Cho Gives One-Sided Look at Bush Health Plan

Merits of the tax-deduction plan are excluded as reporter turns to Democratic donor for analysis.

Econ 101: How to Reduce Gas Consumption

Government intervention in energy markets leads to inefficiency, even when 'energy security' is the goal.

Energy: Mission Impossible?

Politicians and the media clamor for energy independence but leave out crucial details.

Energy: Mission Impossible?

NBC's Gregory Ignores Debate; Meteorologist Calls Carbon Emissions Merely 'A Pop Gun' in Global Warming

NBC looks forward to State of the Union concession; CNN Headline News showcases weathercaster in midst of ongoing blog debate on climate change.
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