MRC Business

Media Research Center

USA Today Finds Home Solar Panels Not Cost-Effective

News outlet profiles man who lost money installing the panels.
Media Research Center

Fast Food Workers Strike, Demand More Than Double Minimum Wage

Networks downplay extremism as left continues push for ‘living wage.’
Media Research Center

D-Day on Obamacare Beach

Media Research Center

NBC Admits Businesses Cutting Back Hours Due to ObamaCare

‘Nightly News’ and find businesses across U.S. trimming hours because of health insurance laws.
Media Research Center

Pension Crisis: Networks Targeted Gun Investments 4 Times More Than Detroit Before Bankruptcy

Journalists’ typical liberal spin kept viewers in the dark about Motor City fiscal problems.
Media Research Center

George Soros Turns 83, Still Funds Liberal Groups and Media

Left-wing billionaire still sending gifts to fund the left.
Media Research Center

Media Insist Polar Bear Death No Accident

NBC, Huffington Post cry ‘climate change’ over single dead bear.
Media Research Center

Like a Laser

Media Research Center

174,000 Part-time Jobs Added in July, BLS Says

Trend toward part-time labor continues, worrying some experts.
Media Research Center

Major Newspapers link Obamacare to Increase in Part-time and Temp Jobs; Networks Ignore

557,000 of 753,000 jobs added in 2013 were part-time.
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