MRC Culture

Media Research Center


Media Research Center

Target Promotes Hip-Hop ‘Rape Song’

Store ‘can’t wait’ for Robin Thicke’s raunchy, misogynistic album.  
Media Research Center

Smell Fishy?

Media Research Center

Media Gush Over Lurid New Prison Show

Racy, lesbian-packed ‘Orange is the New Black’ delights liberal critics.  
Media Research Center

Jezebel: Down Syndrome Babies ‘Live Terrible Lives’

Wacky feminist site complains about saving child.
Media Research Center

CNN's Cuomo Lectures Congress on 'Leadership,' Implores Them to Plug Pathway to Citizenship

CNN's Chris Cuomo has tossed aside journalism in the name of advocacy. He begged Congress to "fix" rising student loan rates, and now the New Day co-host insists that "leadership" means Congress ...
Media Research Center

HBO to Produce Anti-Prop 8 Documentary

New film hails gay marriage as modern “American revolution”
Media Research Center

Networks Share the Love for Risky Kids’ HPV Vaccine

Gardasil vaccine prevents STD infection, but correlates with death.
Media Research Center

Al Jazeera Employees Quit Over Egypt Bias

WaPo buries lead in report on Arab network.  
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