MRC Culture

Media Cast Liberal Republican Meghan McCain as 'Voice of Young Conservatives'

McCain claims to be 'in love' with the GOP and tries to tear it away from conservatives every chance she gets.

Maher Strikes Again: Americans 'Not Bright Enough to Really Understand the Issues'

HBO's 'Real Time' host insists Obama administration should have acted without consideration of citizens on NYC terrorism trial and health care due to their intellect.

Talen: 'Making Marriage a Gated Community, is Tantamount to Violence'

HuffPo features article by Reverend Billy pushing for gay marriage.

USA Today Still Stomping on Tebow Superbowl Ad

Paper questions Pam Tebow's 'choice' to ignore doctors.

The Ultimate Valentine Date: Un-Marry Your Spouse for Gay Rights

Bill Talen offers event in support for gay marriage; USA Today finds it 'unoriginal.'

Coffee and the Second Amendment Don't Mix, According to Alternet

Chain coffee shop Starbucks allows for the right to bear arms, much to the disliking of some.

NBC's 'SVU:' Abortion Debate Boils Down to 'Pro-Choice or No Choice'

Case of murdered abortionist focused on profession as likely motive – with pro-lifers the likely culprit.

Rosie O'Donnell: 'We Sort of Started to Humanize' Elisabeth Hasselbeck

Radio show exhibits liberal 'tolerance' at its best.

Anne Hathaway Leaves Church to Media Cheers

Actress cites Catholic position on homosexuality; USA Today and The Huffington Post call the Church 'intolerant.'

New Pseudo-Reality Show Lets Viewers Vote for Abortions

Abortion as entertainment?
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