MRC Culture

Olbermann Calls Prejean's Privacy Complaint over Breast Surgery Details 'Ironic'

MSNBC host equates belief in traditional marriage with privacy breaches.

'Morning Joe': With Fox Feud, Administration Really 'Playing' Rest of Media

Scarborough, guests agree White House is sending a message to others not to follow FNC's lead.

Behar Goes Palin Bashing; Likens Her to Other 'Mental Midgets' Reagan and Bush

HLN continues left's line of denigrating the intelligence of conservatives ahead of the release of Sarah Palin's book.

On 'View' Goldberg Holds up Cronkite as Paragon of Unbiased Reporting

Whoopi pines for the 'Cronkite generation.'

GMA Hypocrisy: Wants Apology from Balloon Boy Family; Doesn't Apologize to Limbaugh

A balloon hoax requires an apology, smearing a man with phoney racism charge doesn't.

Networks Cover Bogus 'Balloon Boy' Story 100 Times More Than Made-Up Limbaugh Quotes

ABC, CBS and NBC morning shows give more than 80 minutes to possible 'stunt,' but a meager 47 seconds to made up comments about conservative talk show host.

Columnist Kristof Gets Off a Good One: Democrats vs. Quality Education

Liberal columnist Nicholas Kristof takes on the teachers' unions, whose resistance to reform has resulted in "generations of disadvantaged children" being "cemented into an underclass by ...

CMI Commentary: Where's All That Liberal Brainpower the Media Promised?

Are these people really our best and brightest?

CNN Praises UK Government for Giving Drugs to Junkies

In one sided report, network claims giving 97 percent pure heroin to addicts cuts crime and addiction rates.

'Wonder Woman' Joins the Beck Bashing on Behar Show

'View' host's new CNN HLN show dedicates another segment to tarring conservative Fox News host Glenn Beck.
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