MRC Culture

Love Dies in a TV Bubble

Family unity or sanity be damned. TLC has a hit on its hands with 'Jon and Kate Plus 8.'

ABC Exposes Prevalence of Oral Sex among Teen Girls

'Good Morning America' shocks viewers about teen behavior, but ignores networks' role in growing sexualization of teens.

Jon and Kate Plus The Media

CBS' 'The Early Show' sympathizes with the exploited Gosselins before do some exploiting of its own.

Voters Triumph in California; Nets Cover Protesters

Seventy percent of the broadcast network coverage of court ruling on Proposition 8 focused on gay activists' reaction.

Sex, More Sex and Jesus?

Analysis of ABC's Faith Matters segments reveals network preoccupation with sexuality and Christianity.

The Early Show Gives Same-Sex Marriage Proponents The Stage

CBS' features one-sided report on Proposition 8.

A Tale of Two Violent Movies

Hollywood's business decisions show where their religious and political sensibilities overrule their business sense – and any sense of right and wrong.

Media Let Culture Wars Cloud 'American Idol' Win

Networks and print usually love tales of underdogs – unless they're heterosexual Christian underdogs.

'Today' Leaves Out the Violence of New Tarantino Film

'Inglorious Basterds' emphasizes a blood-spattered trailer, but Curry interview only hints at gore.

Colbert To Meghan McCain, 'You're More Liberal Than President Obama!'

McCain continues to push Republicans to be more liberal on social issues.
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