MRC Culture

FOX: Gay Sex and Bible Bashing is Apparently A-OK For Kids

The popular animated show Family Guy aired a homosexual orgy and a baby eating horse semen during Sunday's family hour.

Pulling Heartstrings and Straining Credibility: The Media Promote Embryonic Stem Cell Research

At what point does news reporting devolve into propaganda?

How Mainstream is Porn? Just Ask Body Art Barbie

A little girls' icon gets ink. Can 'Pole Dance Barbie' be far behind?

Matthews Plays Unfair Hardball With Pro-Lifer

MSNBC host throws out unfounded accusations about anti-abortion movement saying it wants to 'throw people in jail.'

A Low-Tech Lent

Italian bishops urge congregations to give up electronic messaging until Easter.

Obama Names Abortion Extremist to HHS; Media Silent

Media ignore Sebelius' record, ties to notorious abortionist.

Chris Matthews: Will Sebelius Survive 'Terrorism of the Anti-Abortion People?'

MSNBC host equates pro-life advocacy to terrorist actions.

A Commercial for Adultery?

A dating service for married people claims it's not enabling cheaters. Their slogan, Life's short, have an affair, says otherwise.

Raise the Stars and Stripes High

Barack Obama's election sparks new-found patriotic zeal from the Left.

Networks Ignore Condom Ad That Offends Christians

ABC, CBS and NBC pass right over an outrageous story about a university condom ad featuring a famous Sistine Chapel religious painting.
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