MRC Culture

ABC Mocks Missing Messiah

'Good Morning America' laughs off prevention as 'Baby Jesus LoJack,' even joins in fun by swiping a wise man.

2008 Worst Grinches

CMIs Dan Gainor and Colleen Raezler rate the attacks and defenses of Christmas on CMIs annual Grinch-o-Meter.

Macabre Soda Ad Finds Suicide Funny

Pepsi yanks a disturbing print campaign depicting lonely calorie character taking his life.

Newsweek Gets LGBT Applause for Prop 8 Propaganda

Author talks to gay group about Religious Right reaction to her article presenting the religious case for gay marriage.

Grinch-o-Meter Alert: Playboy Mexico Mocks Virgin Mary

Magazine publisher claims it never meant offense.

Farewell to Liberalism's Legal Advocate

ABC's Boston Legal was little more than liberal propaganda thinly disguised as entertainment. Conservatives shouldn't be heartbroken to see it go.

CBS Serves Up Soft-Core Porn for Breakfast

The Early Show hosts laugh off celebrity nudity to promote their interviews.

Episode 2: The Christians Strike Back

God makes a comeback - and the media listens.

AP Reports Day Without A Gay Only One Way

In 'call in gay' story, AP ignores traditional marriage supporters; features event creators and lefty teachers eager to introduce gay issues to students.

Meryl Streep Argues Stern Nun Role Similar to War on Terror Absolutists

Streep's co-star Phillip Seymour Hoffman argues their new film is about changing the connotation of doubt and certainty.
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