MRC Culture

Iwo Jima Vets Blast TIME's 'Special Environmental Issue' Cover

TIME editor tells MSNBC 'there needs to be a real effort along the lines of World War II to combat global warming and climate change.'

Character Questions

ABC was right to ask about Obama's judgment and patriotism, and Hillary's honesty.

Ben Stein vs. Sputtering Atheists

I went into the screening of Expelled bored. I came out of it stunned.

Right Diagnosis, Wrong Remedy

Condoms don't protect against HPV.

CNN's 'Compassion' Forum Needed Ben Stein

Why didn't Campbell Brown and Jon Meacham ask the tough questions?

What They Like

If you are the parent of a kid who plays video games, this site's for you.

CosmoGirl! as a Religious Guide? Hardly

Article discusses religion without a clear understanding of what religion really is.

Bias, Bias Everywhere as Media Ponder Pontiff

There were too many examples of anti-Pope bias to list before Benedict even set foot on American soil.

Evergreen Gore's New TV Ad Is Holocaustic

When the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power. – Alston Chase

Obama's Retiring Pastor: Jefferson a Pedophile

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright's explosive accusation against Thomas Jefferson was not reported by the Associated Press and the Chicago Sun-Times, though the audio is on the newspaper's Web site.
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