News Analysis Division

Media Research Center

The Media’s Cracked Crystal Ball: What Journalists Said We’d Find in 2015

In the 1980s and ’90s, journalists passed along expert predictions of the world as they thought it would be by the year 2015. Now that the New Year has finally arrived, it might be fun to ...
Media Research Center

Wash Post, NYT Devote Over 3800 Words to Hyping Scalise Scandal

The liberal New York Times and the Washington Post went into hyperdrive, Wednesday, devoting a combined 3800 words and three front page stories to a scandal involving ...
Media Research Center

Networks Skip Gruber, ObamaCare, Bad Obama Poll Numbers, Hong Kong in Year in Review Roundups

Each of the network morning shows devoted some time on Wednesday to looking back at the biggest news stories of year and, while they certainly could not have included every story in the allotted ...
Media Research Center

‘Big Three’ Give Scalise Controversy 13 Minutes of Coverage In 1 Day

On Monday, a liberal blogger revealed that Congressman Steve Scalise (R-La.) spoke at a conference hosted by white supremacists in 2002 and the “big three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC) networks eagerly ...
Media Research Center

First Runners-Up Quotes in the MRC’s Best of NQ Annual Awards for the Year’s Worst Reporting

The first runners-up quotes in the MRC’s “Best Notable Quotables of 2014: The Twenty-Seventh Annual Awards for the Year’s Worst Reporting,” which this year we’ve dubbed the “Worst of the ...
Media Research Center

NPR's Morning Cuddle With Obama

When Obama grants an interview to NPR, it has all the dramatic tension and hostility of a cappuccino klatch with the D.C. Young Democrats.
Media Research Center

Networks Have Fun with Obama Golf Outing That Forced Army Couple to Move Wedding

Between Monday night and Tuesday morning, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC covered the news that a golf outing by President Obama at a course in Hawaii forced a Army to move their wedding ...
Media Research Center

A Republican Hosts 'Hardball,' Still Bashes GOP on Race

Is there a requirement for Republicans to host a show on MSNBC? Trash the GOP and you can anchor a program? Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele on Monday lectured his ...
Media Research Center

‘Big Three’ Networks Pounce On GOP Rep. Speaking to White Supremacists In 2002

On December 29, Congressman Steve Scalise (R-La.) admitted that he spoke at a convention of white supremacists in 2002 while serving as a Louisiana state legislator and the “big three” (ABC, CBS, ...
Media Research Center

CNN’s Chris Moody: Optics of Obama Forcing Army Couple to Move Wedding ‘Hilariously Bad’

On Monday afternoon, CNN’s Wolf covered the controversy surrounding President Obama’s playing of golf on a Hawaii golf course that forced an Army couple about to be married there to move their ...
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