News Analysis Division

Media Research Center

CBS and NBC Skip Liberal Hollywood's Race Jokes About Obama

CBS and NBC on Wednesday and Thursday ignored the revelation that a hacking attack has exposed liberal Hollywood executives making racial jokes about Barack Obama. Only ABC's Good Morning ...
Media Research Center

Networks Yawn at Second Benghazi Hearing; Find Time for Royal Twins in Monaco, Slovakian Lake Instead

The House Select Committee on Benghazi that is looking into the 2012 terror attacks in Libya held another hearing on Wednesday and focused on the lack of sufficient security that was in place in ...
Media Research Center

NBC and ABC Tout Democrats' 'Anger' at Budget Bill; Omit GOP Complaints

The Wednesday editions of NBC Nightly News and ABC's World News Tonight both spotlighted many Democratic lawmakers' objections to portions of a proposed budget compromise in Congress. However, ...
Media Research Center

Ramos Hits Obama from the Left on Race; Wishes He Did More to Address ‘White Privilege’

Fusion/Univision anchor Jorge Ramos interviewed President Obama on Tuesday and spent the interview flaunting his liberal beliefs by constantly hitting the President from the far left on a wide ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Cooper Hounds NYC Police Union Head About 'Inherent Bias' on Race

CNN's Anderson Cooper forwarded common liberal talking points on race on the Monday and Tuesday editions of his program. During a two-part interview of Patrick Lynch, the president of the union ...
Media Research Center

Nets Appear Finished With Gruber Coverage, Morning Shows Silent

Despite ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber being grilled by both Republicans and Democrats in a Tuesday congressional hearing over his infamous remarks that the health care law was passed due to ...
Media Research Center

Nothing to See Here: Major Newspapers Sweep Gruber Off Front Page

Three of the nation's major newspapers downgraded ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber's testimony to the U.S. Senate, keeping it off the front page. The Washington ...
Media Research Center

Norah O’Donnell Insists CIA Tortured Terrorists

On Wednesday, Michael Morrell, former Deputy Director of the CIA and current CBS News Senior Security Contributor, appeared on CBS This Morning to discuss the Democrat-led Senate Intelligence ...
Media Research Center

Jorge Ramos to Obama: Did George W. Bush 'Betray American Values?'

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos scored an exclusive interview with Barack Obama on Tuesday and used the occasion to accuse George W. Bush of "betraying" America. The journalist quizzed Obama on the ...
Media Research Center

Fmr. CIA Chief Slams NBC's 'Torture Report' Coverage: 'You're Claiming It To Be News'

Appearing on Wednesday's NBC Today, former CIA Director Michael Hayden went after the network for hyping the so-called "torture report" released by Senate Democrats on Tuesday. After Hayden ...
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