
Frank Rich on the 'Indiscriminate Demonization of Arabs in America'

Frank Rich defends the anti-American satellite network Al Jazeera and lectures his fellow Americans on "demonizing" Arabs: "The consequence of a decade's worth of indiscriminate demonization of ...

Gail Collins Snarls at the 'Stunning Women' of the Right Opposing Control of Their Own Bodies

Gail Collins: "'Planned Parenthood aids and abets the sexual abuse and prostitution of minors,' announced Lila Rose, the beautiful anti-abortion activist who led the project. The right wing is ...

The Times Barely Touches Reagan's 100th; Unflattering When It Does

Not exactly a commemoration: The Times' sparse coverage is highlighted by a friendly interview with a Reagan-hostile HBO documentary filmmaker and a column from Reagan's liberal biographer Edmund ...

Kalb to Keller: Why Do You Allow Left-Wing Views in Your News Stories?

Marvin Kalb asks Executive Editor Bill Keller: "Many conservatives as you well know, criticize the Times as being a liberal, left-wing newspaper, and that those views get into the news part of ...

The Times Lumps the Catholic Church with the Mafia and the Muslim Brotherhood

"By some lights, Italian women have come far in a country whose most entrenched power structures - the Roman Catholic Church and organized crime - remain male and secretive." That's a little like ...

How 'Non-Violent' Is the Muslim Brotherhood?

Twice in two days, the Times has insisted the Egyptian Islamist group has renounced violence. Yet the group's Palestinian branch is Hamas, a terrorist organization committed to the destruction of ...

The 'Advocates for Women's Health' at Planned Parenthood?

According to health reporter Robert Pear, the Family Research Council is a "conservative group," while the Planned Parenthood Federation of America is merely an "advocate for women's health."

D.C. Bureau Chief: 'Unimaginable' Not to Publish WikiLeaks Secret Cables

Washington Bureau Chief Dean Baquet: "Put aside the debate over what WikiLeaks provided. Isn't it unimaginable to anybody that the New York Times would have had the arrogance to have this stuff ...

Editor Bill Keller Blasts Fox News' 'Unhealthy' Impact on National Discourse

Executive Editor Bill Keller blasts Fox News and brings up the Arizona shootings: "I make no connection between the guy who shot those people in Tucson and the national discourse. But it is true ...

A Tale of Two Political Conventions: Optimism for Dems in NC, But 'Woeful Disconnect' Possible for G.O.P. in Tampa

The Times on the Democrats' convention choice: "Can North Carolina Deliver Again?" The Times on the G.O.P.'s choice: "The wrong mix of poverty juxtaposed with Republicans partying - perhaps ...
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