
Krugman on Deficit Fears: Worse Than Iraqi WMD Hype

Columnist Paul Krugman played media critic, asserting the media is panicking the public with an empty threat - deficits are like vanishing weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Abortion Is Fine, But 'Prayer Breakfast Draws Controversy'

The Times utterly ignored tens of thousands gathered for the March for Life in January, but published a photo of about ten protesters of the National Prayer Breakfast.

Times Ignored ACORN Scandal 6 Days - But Ran Stories on Arrest of 'Pimp' 5 Days in a Row

The Times took six days for one of its own reporters to acknowledge the ACORN scandal in print. But when ACORN "pimp" and hidden-camera conservative filmmaker James O'Keefe was arrested, the Times ...

Howell Raines: 'Conservative' Wins Elections Now Like 'Segregation' Did Before 1960

Former Executive Editor Howell Raines returns to the pages of the Times, but his op-ed on the origin of the civil rights movement is laced with nasty cracks at conservatives and Fox News: "Before ...

Nagourney Finds More Reasons for G.O.P. Pessimism: Lack of Leadership, Tea Partiers, Etc., Etc....

Chief political reporter Adam Nagourney spreads Republican pessimism on Sunday's front page: "At a moment of what appears to be great if unexpected opportunity, the Republican Party continues to ...

Barack Obama: Just Too Much of a Complex Pragmatist for Today's Voters to Figure Out

Never mind that enormous health-care plan and "stimulus" spending, Obama's really a complex pragmatist who may be just too nuanced for today's politics: "On this much, President Obama's friends ...

Jackie Calmes Twice Sees an Obama Goal of Budget 'Austerity'

No wonder it's so hard to cut federal spending: A limited "spending freeze" of $250 billion over three years, out of a 2001 budget of $3.8 trillion, is twice trotted out as a radical "austerity" ...

NYT Can't Report Box-Office Receipts Without Blurting 'Mel Gibson, Anti-Semitic Drunk'

Checking the weekend receipts for Mel Gibson's dark thriller, "Edge of Darkness," arts writer Brooks Barnes reminded readers of the actor's "anti-Semitic outburst" and pondered: "Had moviegoers ...

New Englanders: Not Nearly as Smart as They Were Eight Months Ago

Columnist Charles Blow has a change of heart after the Mass. Senate election.

Sentences She'd Like to Have Back, Massachusetts Edition

Reporter Abby Goodnough awaits the crowning of the new senator representing Massachusetts, Martha Coakley, and columnist Charles Blow finds New Englanders have morphed from educated progressives ...
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